Manfrotto Standard Skylite Rapid 2x1 m Kit with Rigid Case
2x1m Aluminum Alloy Frame
Silver/White Reversible Reflector Fabric
1.25 Stop Diffuser Fabric
Rigid Carrying Case
Built on a lightweight but rugged 3.6 x 6.6' aluminum frame, the Medium Standard Skylite Rapid Kit with Rigid Case from Manfrotto offers two of the most popular fabrics in a creative system that includes several of them. The kit includes the collapsible, weather-resistant frame and a clip-on 1.25 stop diffuser that's well-suited for overhead use to tame harsh sunlight or to be employed as you would a large softbox to render your light source soft and flattering with reduced contrast. Also included is a reversible silver/white fabric that features expeditious mounting like the diffuser. The silver side of the fabric reflects strong, bright light with snappy contrast and cool rendition of color and is ideal for long throw purposes. The white side offers a neutral color rendition with slightly soft reflectance that's great for filling in shadows and subduing contrast. To store and transport the kit Manfrotto provides a rigid, vacuum-formed case with two inner compartments to secure the components of the kit.
Price: 20 BGN/Day
Bulgaria, Sofia,
Samokov blvd. 60
+359 877 133 613
+359 884 215 851
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